Igår var vi i Fäviken och spelade in ett nytt avsnitt. Där driver de en restaurang som fokuserar mycket på deras egna råvaror från gården och från närområdet. Här ser ni några bilder som vi tog i bakgrunden under inspelningen. Fler bilder hittar du på facebook! Kom ihåg att gilla oss också!
Yesterday we were at Fäviken and recorded a new episode. They have a restaurant and focus a lot on their primary products from the garden and from the local area. Here is some pictures that we took in the background during the recording. You can find more pictures at facebook. Remember to like us too.

Yesterday we were at Fäviken and recorded a new episode. They have a restaurant and focus a lot on their primary products from the garden and from the local area. Here is some pictures that we took in the background during the recording. You can find more pictures at facebook. Remember to like us too.
